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Hi!, I'm Michael
Nice to meet you!
About Me
Hi there!
I'm Michael Axmann, an International Apprenticeship Expert
I believe in vocational education and training as a means for higher youth employment, better productivity and decent working conditions.
This can best be done in moderated social dialogue processes with government ministries, employers' and workers' organisations and with representatives from civil society.
- Email:michaelaxmann01@gmail.com
- Phone:+49 151 6848 7258
- Skype:michaelaxmann
- From:Bonn, Germany
Years of Experience
Countries worked in
USD revenues for my clients
What I do
My Work
Testimony Video
El Salvador's ex-minister Ricardo Montenegro gives a word on Michael, with the occasion of his retirement from ILO CINTERFOR in Montevideo, Uruguay.
What I say
Around the World
This map shows all the locations where Michael has worked
Work done on each location varied in nature, depending on client needs, circumstances and timing. Feel free to explore what has been done in every place by interacting with the pins scattered throughout the globe.
What they say
Álvaro Ramirez Bogante Skills Specialist. ILO, Costo Rica
“Michael es una autoridad mundial en aprendizaje de calidad/formación dual. Ha vivido, estudiado y enseñado el tema. Ha impulsado la transformación de los sistemas de formación profesional en múltiples países y continentes".
Marta Makhoul Skills Development Consultant. Brussles, Belgium
"I had the pleasure to work with Michael Axmann at the ILO in Geneva from 2015-2017. He is a passionate, well experienced, knowledgeable, and highly driven professional".
José Manuel Salazar Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean (2015-2018), ILO, Lima, Peru
"Michael es una de las personas con mejores expertos que he conocido sobre la formación profesional, los diferentes sistemas y retos en diferentes países y contextos".
Andrés Valenciano Presidente Ejecutivo, Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje (INA), San José, Costa Rica
"Tuve la oportunidad de trabajar junto a Michael en una etapa crítica del desarrollo de la educación técnica y la formación profesional en modalidad Dual en Costa Rica".
Maaret Cañedo Lohikoski National Project Coordinator: Strengthening Skills Systems, ILO, Panama
"I met Michael Axmann in Geneva in 2013 when I freshly joined the ILO back in Geneva. What struck me about Michael the most, when meeting him, was his approachability and warmth as a person as well as his knack for knowing people's talents".
Dionisio Parise PARISE Educação & Inovação. Curitiba, Brazil
"It is a difficult task to say something of such special friend. I had the pleasure of meeting Michael at the Competence Training Academy in Turin, Italy in 2011".
Wolfgang Schwegler-Rohmeis Colleague. Friedrichsdorf, Germany
"With Michael Axmann I have a long professional and, based on that, a friendly relationship. Our common interest in the labour market and vocational training topics has brought us together time and again".
Katharina Jaik, PhD Education Economist and External Consultant on VET, Zurich, Switzerland
"I've known Michael for a little over two years now. What impressed me already at our first meeting in a discussion group was the clarity of his arguments and the support of these arguments with scientific evidence as well as with a wealth of proven experience with examples from all over the world".
Carlos Gómez Benítez Director Ejecutivo, INSAFORP, El Salvador
"Los recuerdos hacen historia y la historia impresa se convierte en historia viva. Con una exitosa carrera profesional, Michael Axmann, economista, docente y formador de formadores ha sido pieza fundamental en la gestión de diversos proyectos al interior del Instituto Salvadoreño de Formación Profesional (INSAFORP), ente rector de la formación profesional en El Salvador".
Michael Wiechert Deputy Director of Department for Cooperation with Partner Institutions, BIBB. Bonn, Germany
"I have come to know Dr. Axmann as a highly competent and pleasant colleague in all matters of initial and continuing vocational education and training (VET). The dialogue with him was always fruitful and I hope that we will continue to work together in many VET-contexts worldwide".
Chassan B. Ndahi Senior Specialist, Skills and Employability, ILO Caribbean Office. Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
"It was a great pleasure to work with Dr Michael Axmann, Senior Specialist, Skills and Employability, International Labour Organization, between the period 2011 -2020".
Natalia Lacruz Collegue, Montevideo, Uruguay
"Trabajar con Michael no es solamente una grata experiencia profesional. Su forma de compartir y aplicar conocimientos siempre está acompañada de generosidad, humildad, espíritu colaborativo y buen sentido del humor".
Lorea B Collegue. Costa Rica
"Creé en lo que hace y lo hace con conocimiento, entrega y entusiasmo. Un gran conocedor del tema y de la región que asesora con los pies en la tierra sin perder de la vista su visión y lo esencial".
Prof. Dr. Matthias Pilz Professor. Universität Köln, Germany
"Dr. Axmann not only has an excellent international network in the context of vocational training, but also a proven expertise in this area".
Kazutoshi Chatani Colleague, Jakarta, Indonesia
"I had fortunate and joyful years of working with Michael on apprenticeships at ILO HQs in Geneva, which was a rich learning journey for me".
Eng. ADK Muhammad Project Manager IDEAS Project, National Board for Technical Education (NBTE), Kaduna, Nigeria
"We are currently working with Micheal on a World Bank supported Project - Innovation Development and Effectiveness in the Acquisition of Skills (IDEAS) in Nigeria".
Denise Daragnes La profesora de español de Michael in Uruguay
"Hay pocos alumnos como Michael. En realidad, es como un compañero de clase. Aprendemos uno del otro".
Lorenzo M. Vallejos Master of Science in Information and Knowledge Management, Geneva, Switzerland
"Mi experiencia trabajando bajo la dirección de Michael Axmann como jefe y mentor fue absolutamente increíble y una experiencia única en mi vida".